The Entrepreneurial Journey of Sarah & Tony Amato and Amato Property.

Tony Amato

Embracing Property Dreams: A Tale of Passion and Dedication

In the picturesque setting of Lake Macquarie, Tony Amato and his wife Sarah have been crafting an entrepreneurial story that is both inspiring and instructive. Their business, Amato Property, reflects a journey marked by dedication, innovation and a deep understanding of the real estate industry.

The Beginning: A Shared Passion for Property

Tony and Sarah’s entrepreneurial journey is a testament to the power of shared dreams. “We were both independently investing in real estate before we even met,” Tony recalls. Their individual pursuits in property investment converged into a formidable partnership when they met while working in the pharmaceutical industry. This partnership soon extended beyond professional boundaries, culminating in a life-long commitment both in marriage and in business.

With a combined spirit, they embarked on building their property portfolio, renovating four properties with tireless dedication. It wasn’t just about investment; it was about creating a future where they could live life on their own terms. This led them to purchase and operate a local newsagency, prioritizing family time and learning the nuances of running a small business. This experience proved invaluable as they later transitioned fully into the real estate industry.

Amato Property: A Vision Realised

The rebranding of their business to Amato Property, with the support of Dan from psyborg®, was a significant milestone. It symbolized their deepened focus on their core values and mission to help people thrive in the property market. Tony vividly describes their philosophy, “Our mission is to guide people through the complexities of property acquisition, particularly in the stunning Lake Macquarie and Newcastle areas.”

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Change

Amato Property’s success is also a story of adaptation and resilience. The rapidly changing business landscape posed numerous challenges, yet the couple’s ability to be agile and client-focused helped them thrive. Their approach to addressing clients’ needs, from mapping school bus routes to offering insights into local communities, exemplifies their dedication to personalized service.

Networking and collaboration have been cornerstones of Amato Property’s growth, with over 90% of their business coming from referrals. This reflects the trust and reputation they have built within the community.

The Future of Real Estate and Community Empowerment

Looking ahead, Tony is optimistic about the future of the real estate industry and the opportunities for businesses in the Lake Macquarie and Newcastle region. He envisions a future where technology integration, changing work-life dynamics and local expertise play pivotal roles.

The couple is excited about upcoming initiatives, including a live online SMSF masterclass, showcasing their commitment to educating and empowering clients.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Tony’s advice for budding entrepreneurs is succinct and powerful: “Find your niche and be consistent.” This principle is evident in how Amato Property refined their focus during their rebranding process, targeting a specific audience which significantly enhanced their client engagement.

The Role of Local Business Communities

Tony believes in the power of local business communities like Caves Connect to foster networking, collaboration, and shared growth. He views these platforms as vital for entrepreneurs to exchange ideas, forge partnerships, and strengthen the local business ecosystem.

A Story of Inspiration

The entrepreneurial journey of Tony and Sarah Amato, from passionate property investors to the founders of Amato Property, is a narrative of passion, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of dreams. Their story is not just about building a successful business, but about creating a life that resonates with their values and aspirations.

As Tony Amato aptly puts it, “Our commitment to Christian values and helping others means our clients are a valued member of our extended family.” This sentiment echoes through every aspect of Amato Property, making their story an inspiring chapter in the entrepreneurial landscape of Lake Macquarie and Newcastle.

Amato Property


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